Changes in the Special Education Department
This school year has brought some exciting changes to our department. We have added another classroom Horizons, which is located in the Elementary at the Tecumseh site. Ashley Juilfs is the classroom teacher. Ashley was the 5th grade teacher at the Cook site last year. She has a lot of great ideas and is very organized. We welcome her to our department. The paraprofessionals teaching with her are Betty Teten and Connie Watson.
We also added two new paraprofessionals at the Cook site. Kathy Philipi will be assisting Mandy Haufle, while Lavinia Doeden will be assisting Reid Genuchi. We welcome them to our department and know that the students will benefit from their assistance.
Currently our department serves students from birth-21 years old. We have programs that include resource, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy on site. We also contract with a vision teacher, deaf educator, and audiologist, who come in as needed. All classrooms have FM systems in which the teacher's voice is projected over a speaker system. This has been proven to help students to focus better. If you are concerned about a child, please do not hesitate to contact me at