Technology in Preschool
February 24, 2017
Johnson County Central has many opportunities in the classroom for the use of technology, some including iPads, iPods, Mimio and Promethean boards, and computers. Our preschool classroom has recently added a new system for the iPad called Osmo. The Osmo is an interactive system that encourages creative thinking and builds confidence while students create and play. It fosters social intelligence while allowing students to physically manipulate different learning tools such as letter tiles, tangram shapes, numbers, and markers for drawing with the interactive Monster Mo. The preschool students have the opportunity to use the Osmo weekly and have been successful using each of the apps. This has been a fun and magical way to help with social interaction and intelligence, initial sounds, letter recognition, isolation in drawing, number recognition, and problem solving. We look forward to continuing our learning with the Osmo and intend to add to the set as new apps continue to be created.
- Alison Hein