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Title 1 - Judi Borrenpohl

May 14, 2018

Title 1 is a federal assistance program for schools. The goal of Title 1 is to help every child get a high quality education. Title 1 provides students with academic assistance in the areas of Reading and Mathematics at JCC. The Title 1 program can help children do better in school and feel better about themselves.

The Kindergarten through 3rd grade Title 1 students have worked hard at reaching their academic goals for the 2017-2018 school year. The Title 1 classroom has helped over 70 students throughout the year in Reading and Mathematics.  

If your child is recommended for summer school, try to take advantage of that wonderful opportunity. It is a great way for students to continue practicing on the academic skills that they have learned over the school year!

Have a great summer and please encourage your child to keep reading!