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Room 112

October 19, 2015

By: Karen Hunzeker

The 7th Grade math classes have been working on fractions. We started the year off with adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. We have moved on to changing between fraction, decimal and percent forms. We also learned how to compare all three forms as well. Fractions are very important and are used it many jobs. We will be visiting this skill all year long because of its importance!

The Pre-Algebra classes have been working on integers, which are positive and negative whole numbers. We worked with integers last year, but have been extending our knowledge. Not only are we adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing them, but we are using integers with absolute value, graphing them and using order of operation to evaluate them. Integers are used when figuring temperatures (above and below zero), when talking about elevation (above and below sea level) and many other faucets of the real world. We will be working with integers all year long!

The Algebra class has been working on relations. We have learned how to tell if the relation is a function or not. We have learned different ways to display a function, such as in a table, mapping and graphing. Listing the domain and range is another skill we have covered. Relations and functions are a big part of Algebra and Advanced Algebra so covering these basic skills are vital to the rest of the year. These topics will continue to come up.