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Mrs. Crotty's 5th Grade News

November 14, 2017

We are well on our way in second quarter and it will be over before we know it.  5th grade continues to work hard and give all of our work our very best effort. Some work can be challenging and frustrating, but we keep plugging away. We are all realizing that math and grammar are building into more complicated and sometimes difficult skills. Knowing the basic facts by heart and being able to locate the subject and the verb in a sentence should be automatic.

In social studies, we are preparing for our very first test of the year. We have had several quizzes up to this point, this is the BIG TEST! We take notes over the material and we know exactly what to study for the test. Sometimes it is difficult to find the time to study, but we know without studying we will have a more difficult time being successful. Today, we had a “Friendly competition” to help us study for the test. The story we are reading right now in reading class is “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere”. It is exciting to know that later this year in social studies we will be learning more about this event in history.

TIME TO CELEBRATE!!!!! First quarter the classroom goal was 240 points in Accelerated Reading. The class knows we all need to read, quiz, and earn as many points as we can. We want to reach that goal each quarter. First quarter the 5th grade class BLEW THIS GOAL OUT OF THE WATER!!!!! They earned 364 points!!!!!!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To celebrate our success, they voted and received the prize to be able to have snack and drink day. This special day was awarded on Tuesday, November 7th. The goal has been set for 2nd quarter now, and it is 380 points.  WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEEP ON READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With November also comes cooler/colder weather. We have 2 recesses each day, and we go outside when the weather permits, so make sure and bring all of the necessary winter apparel to stay warm.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and the 5th grade class would like to wish all of you a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!