Mrs. Crotty's 5th Grade
November 15, 2016
Turkey is just around the corner. I can already smell the delicious aromas of Thanksgiving dinner. The goal each year is to not eat too much, but for some reason I am never able to abide by that. It is hard to believe that we are already into the 2nd quarter of the year. Parent/teacher conferences were a success and I was delighted to see and visit with all the parents that were able to stop by.
Our 1st quarter ended with a celebration. We have been working very hard in school and it is always fun to celebrate our success. The afternoon started in Mrs. Crotty’s room and we watched a movie, “Casper, Seeing is Believing”. Then, we took part in a scavenger hunt, hosted by Mrs. Tubbesing. Both 4th and 5th grade students were divided into groups of 2 or 3 and given a scavenger hunt list. These items were scattered and hidden everywhere in the old gym, Mrs. Naber’s room, Mrs. Tubbesing’s room, or out on the playground. Hooray for nice weather!!!!! There were hundreds of Halloween themed items such as pencils, erasers, rings, etc. that each group was hunting for. The tricky part was you had limits to how many you could find of each item. This made for a wild, crazy, loud, and definitely fun afternoon. When the scavenger hunt was over, we all enjoyed some “ghost” ice cream and had time to socialize with our classmates.
e are very lucky in 5th grade because we get to have D.A.R.E. classes with Johnson County Deputy Lyon. He visits our classroom once a week for 10 weeks and teaches us about how to deal with bullying, peer pressure about drinking and alcohol. In our class, we watch educational video clips, act out scenarios, do group work, and have many beneficial discussions. November, 18th is our last D.A.R.E. class. We are working on the final draft of our D.A.R.E. essay, and we will be turning those in to Deputy Lyon. December 6, 2016, 2:30 p.m. in the new gym at the Cook site is 5th grade D.A.R.E. graduation. We are excited about our accomplishment and would love to have you join us for our very special day.
Before we know it, 2nd quarter will be coming to an end. There are so many things that we are working hard to learn. Besides reading, spelling, math, grammar, science, and social studies, we also have an AR book project that is due the week of December 1st-8th. This project has to be about a book we have read during 1st semester of 5th grade. We can choose from a list of projects such as a diorama, mobile, cereal box project, collage/poster, or book commercial. This is a great opportunity to let our creativeness shine.
We hope you have a very enjoyable Thanksgiving and take some time to remember all the things to be thankful for.
Click on the photo in the upper right corner for more photos!