JCC Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services
American Rescue Plan & Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds
July 13, 2021
Through the American Rescue Plane (ARP) and Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER), Johnson County Central is allocated to receive $784,461 in federal funds to address the needs of students, their safe return to school and loss of learning that may have occurred during the COVID pandemic. As such, JCC is required to develop a plan for returning to in-person learning. Community input for this plan is appreciated.
You may recall that last year's return to school plan consisted of various threat levels. This plan has been revised and includes various elements required by the ARP and ESSER grants. Please review the plan.
Should you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact the school superintendent via email (jon.rother@jccentral.org) or phone (402)-921-0187. You may also attend the July 14 Board of Education Meeting in the Tecumseh Site High School Cafeteria at 6:00 PM and comment during the public comment period.
2021-2022 JCC Plan For Safe Return 7-14-21 (PDF)