Message from Superintendent Rother
February 24, 2022
Message from Superintendent Jon Rother:
In the article titled “Bond Election Vote for New JCC School Facility on May 10” in the Tecumseh Chieftain (2/24/22), there is one quotation attributed to me that I would like to offer some additional clarification on. My statement has been unintentionally misquoted.
My original comment was that our true goal and intention is that I want to see our school district and communities thrive.
When we talk about our communities, we mean ALL of our communities within the JCC family.
Quote in the article: “We want to see Johnson County Central Schools and the Tecumseh community thrive.”
Clarification: Our true goal and intention is that I want to see our school district and communities thrive.
We appreciate our local newspaper and their service provided to our communities. Please look for a correction in next week’s paper.